Border Collie /Aussie (Bossie)
Her name was Bella when I flew to Washington state to adopt the new dog of my dreams from Goldendale Shepherd Rescue. She was a 22-pound blonde-haired blue-eyed Diva in the midst of way-more-than-one-could-count German Shepherds and other large mixed breeds. She was skinny from all the competition for food but over the top playful and happy and I knew I’d made the right choice. The owners of the rescue were great, with tons of giant dogs sleeping on their bed and they were dog trainers too and all the dogs were well socialized. It was impressive.
Bella, who was two when I met her, had been acquired as a puppy with her brother but when kids came along the parents decided two dogs was too many and Bella had to go. I don’t understand people sometimes but I’ll have to say that they had to have been good dog parents while they had her because she is very brave and friendly and healthy. I snatched her up and we drove all the way back to California in the rain with Bella on my lap. I wanted to change her name so she would really be mine. The talk radio program was listing the most popular words of 2023 and one of them was “Swifty”, a fan of Taylor Swift. Now a member of the WIldworks family Swifty plays with servals and her dog friends and still jumps onto my lap every chance she gets!